Find out more about the different Research Themes at our Research Centres
EcoMaterials and the circular economy
EcoMaterials and the circular economy
LCERI MP’s “EcoMaterials and the Circular Economy” focus area includes two research themes: Recycling of polymers, composites and civil engineering materials Recovery of waste and bio-based materials Recycling of polymers, composites and civil engineering materials With sustainable development in mind,…
Advanced Materials and Processes
Advanced Materials and Processes
The “Advanced Materials and Processes” research area combines the scientific and technological expertise of IMT Nord Europe to formulate and process materials (long-fibre composites, thermoplastic polymers and civil engineering materials). The research objectives relate to two complementary aspects: Development…
Mechanics, digital processes and materials
Mechanics, digital processes and materials
CERI MP’s “Mechanics, digital processes and materials” theme is developed via three sub-themes on modelling approaches: Digital methods Modelling: Materials, Processes, Structures Digital twins “Digital methods” sub-theme This sub-theme focuses on the development of calculation codes and digital solutions. These…
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