Research and Innovation at IMT Nord Europe

Organising Research
To conduct its missions and promote the development of new knowledge and skills, IMT Nord Europe has organised its activities into three Centres for Education, Research and Innovation (CERI) each comprising one hundred people and two departments, each comprising around ten people. Each centre has its own scientific identity yet they are intended to come together to collaborate to promote systemic and multidisciplinary approaches.
The Research and Innovation Department’s governance of research, certified ISO 9001-2015, is guided by Institut Mines-Télécom’s strategy, which it translates into a roadmap and objectives in keeping with the skills of each entity.
It also establishes support services and actions, sets up and executes research contracts with economic and academic stakeholders, and monitors the indicators for the transfer of research results, whether through publications or patents.
Finally, the Research and Innovation Department collectively manages the incentives which promote a multidisciplinary approach, as well as the resources allocated. To this end, Research Steering Committee meets every month to coordinate all the actions implemented.
The Research Steering Committee is composed of the directors and deputy directors of the entities involved in the School’s scientific contractual activities: Research and Innovation Directorate (DRI), Centres for Education, Research and Innovation (CERI), Economic Partners and Careers Directorate (DPEC) and Departments.
Research Organisational Chart