Energy, Fluids and Transfers

Energy Environment

“Energy Fluids and Transfers” (EFT) theme

Energy, Fluids and Transfers research activities aim to improve understanding of multi-scale physical heat and mass transfer mechanisms.

The purpose of the research work in this area is the development and implementation of innovative thermo-fluid components and more efficient and sustainable optimized systems, integrating renewable and recovered energies, plus taking energy network and storage issues into account.

Scientific questions

The scientific questions that guide the research activities of the EFT thematic focus are as follows:

  1. What are the determinants to control flows, intensify exchanges, and optimize energy storage performance?
  2. What are the relationships between rheological behavior, instabilities and transfers in complex fluids?
  3. What key parameters favor the integration of thermo-fluid components in optimized sustainable energy systems and processes?


Q1.1: What are the key determinants of intensification of transfers in single-phase and multi-phase flows?

The objectives targeted in this sub-question consist of:

  • understanding parietal transfer mechanisms
  • characterization of mixing mechanisms ranging from topology to flow regimes (laminar-turbulent transition, chaotic advection)
  • active and/or passive improvement of exchanges
  • modeling of multi-phase flows: suspensions, evaporation/condensation, fouling
  • validation of concepts to develop patentable prototypes

Q1.2: What strategies should be used to increase or modulate fusion/solidification and adsorption/desorption kinetics and also guarantee component performance, flexibility and sustainability?

The objectives targeted in this sub-question consist of:

  • improving combined heat/mass transfer dynamics in fusion/solidification and adsorption-desorption processes
  • characterization of fusion-solidification cycles, Phase-Change Material supercooling, cycling and aging
  • integration in thermo-fluid components via combination/mixing of existing materials associated with better component architecture


Q2.1: What are the origins of the complex rheological behavior of fluids and how can it be modeled based on strains (mechanical, thermal, etc.)?

The objective targeted in this sub-question consists of understanding the influence of the type of additive and strain conditions (thermal, mechanical, etc.) on the rheological behavior of complex fluids

Q2.2: What is the link between rheological non-linearity and flow stability, and how can flow regimes (particularly secondary) developing in complex fluids be characterized, explained, and modeled?

The objective targeted in this sub-question consists of understanding the impact of rheological complexity on flow stability and transfer efficiency

Q2.3: How can the impact of flow modifications caused by fluid rheology on transfer phenomena be better understood and characterized?

The objective targeted in this sub-question consists of understanding, predicting, favoring or limiting the impact of fluid rheology on transfer efficiency


Q3.1 What multi-scale digital approaches should be used to accurately model systems integrating innovative components?

Q3.2 What approaches should be used for experimental modeling of industrial systems and processes?

Q3.3 What optimization and control strategies should be developed for efficient and sustainable systems?

Tools and methods

Newly developed digital methods (modeling, optimization) and experimental approaches (metrological and testing device developments) are combined to observe, provide information on and model physical phenomena, from component scale (millimeters) to system or process scale.

Development of complex one-phase and multi-phase flow and transfer predictive models, including phase change, and adsorption and fouling phenomena.

Multi-objective parametric component optimization based on a digital approach

Advanced metrological developments and development of testing devices on different scales.

Accurate characterization of heat-transfer materials and fluids for energy and heat storage.





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