Optical measurement techniques

Energy Environment

The ESCP team’s ALHEX and CFF platforms have access to equipment that allows them to determine the precise and detailed physical values of gas and liquid flows using point measurements (LDA 2D) and implement non-intrusive plane measurement techniques with high spatial and temporal resolution (PIV, stereo-PIV, stereo-µPIV, PLIF, BOS).



Labex CaPPA

Labex CaPPA

Labex CaPPA

Laboratory of Excellence on “Chemical and Physical Properties of Aerosols” (Labex CaPPA) The CaPPA laboratory of excellence won the second wave of the “Laboratories of Excellence” call for projects (2012) of the French Investments for the Future Program (PIA). It…




The FLUIDINE project (FLUIDs with INnovative formulation and high Energy efficiency performance for thermo-fluidic components) studies new non-colloidal suspensions with the aim of enhancing the performance of heat exchangers. This project is unique in its use of non-colloidal suspensions in…

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