Research Centre
Energy and Environment

A center based on research oriented towards atmospheric sciences, the quality of indoor environments and the challenges of energy efficiency and decarbonization.

Photos LOCOGE Nadine



Director of the Energy Environment Research Center


A center organized around 3 thematic focuses

IMT Nord Europe’s CERI EE (Centre d’Enseignement, de Recherche et d’Innovation Énergie Environnement, Center for Education, Research and Innovation in Energy Environment) structures its research based on 3 thematic focuses:

Atmospheric Observations, Sources and Processes
Indoor Environmental Quality
Energy, Fluids and Transfers

AOSP Thematic Focus: Atmospheric Observations, Sources and Processes

The AOSP thematic focus develops research activities aiming to identify determinants of the chemical composition of the troposphere in the context of climate change and societal transitions, in order to characterize reactive gas species and both primary and secondary particles stemming from natural and anthropogenic sources, and to analyze the both physical and chemical processes at play.
The purpose of the research conducted is to provide decision-making support for fast-changing urban and rural environments, focusing in particular on the improvement of air quality in relation to health impact.
The AOSP focus consists of significant expertise in terms of metrology and observations, and DEMO (Dispositifs d’appui aux Expertises, à la Métrologie et aux Observations – expert assessment, metrology and observations support devices) provide solid support for internal research teams, the scientific community, and public authorities.

IEQ Thematic Focus: Indoor Environmental Quality

The IEQ thematic focus develops research activities aiming for better understanding of the determinants of indoor environments to identify the most relevant and effective catalysts.

The purposes of the work carried out are to guarantee the environmental health and comfort of occupants of confined spaces; support construction, renovation and management of buildings in their environmental transition; and inform, raise awareness, recommend and guide public authorities and populations to reconcile indoor air quality and energy efficiency.

EFT Thematic Focus: Energy, Fluids and Transfers

The EFT thematic focus develops research activities aiming to improve understanding of multi-scale physical heat and mass transfer mechanisms, in order to design and implement innovative thermo-fluid components and more efficient and sustainable optimized systems, integrating renewable and recovered energies, plus taking account of energy network and storage issues.
The purpose of the research is to contribute to energy and industrial transitions in a wide range of multi-sector applications: Decarbonized industries of the future, Components for high energy-efficiency buildings, E-mobility, Energy production and use, etc.

Engineering training and doctoral studies

The two aforementioned scientific areas of expertise, atmospheric sciences and energy efficiency, form integral parts of the different training courses provided by CERI EE or taught via other regional training courses (bachelor’s, master’s, etc.).

They extend to other areas in the energy and environment field with the goal of responding to our engineers’ future business lines central to our world’s major industrial, environmental and societal challenges.

They concern general engineering training courses, apprenticeship-based Energy Engineering training courses, Advanced Master’s degrees in positive energy buildings and occupational and technological risk management, and the international “Atmospheric Environment” Master’s.

SPOCs and MOOCs on the themes of fluid mechanics as well as air quality (air quality: causes and impacts) are also included on these courses and have been for several years.

Finally, a large section concerns doctoral training, as the school is accredited to award a doctoral degree, with 30 to 40 students of all nationalities preparing theses.

The Energy Environment Research Centre in Photos


Image du projet BREAQ



A center organized around 3 thematic focuses IMT Nord Europe’s CERI EE (Centre d’Enseignement, de Recherche et d’Innovation Énergie Environnement, Center for Education, Research and Innovation in Energy Environment) structures its research based on 3 thematic focuses: Atmospheric Observations, Sources…

Image du projet IFrOG



A center organized around 3 thematic focuses IMT Nord Europe’s CERI EE (Centre d’Enseignement, de Recherche et d’Innovation Énergie Environnement, Center for Education, Research and Innovation in Energy Environment) structures its research based on 3 thematic focuses: Atmospheric Observations, Sources…

Image du projet Labex CaPPA

Labex CaPPA

Labex CaPPA

A center organized around 3 thematic focuses IMT Nord Europe’s CERI EE (Centre d’Enseignement, de Recherche et d’Innovation Énergie Environnement, Center for Education, Research and Innovation in Energy Environment) structures its research based on 3 thematic focuses: Atmospheric Observations, Sources…



Energy and Environment Research Centre


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