Find out more about our Research Centres platforms
BORiS (Building Oriented Indoor Studies)
BORiS (Building Oriented Indoor Studies)
Experimental BORiS (Building Oriented Indoor Studies) Platform The Experimental BORiS platform for Building Oriented Indoor Studies, is a 20 m2 energy-plus building that enables in-situ studies on a 1:1 scale and in real conditions, with a complete interior space interacting…
IRINA (Innovative Room for INdoor Air studies)
IRINA (Innovative Room for INdoor Air studies)
The large experimental IRINA room (40 m3) used as the Innovative Room for Indoor Air studies can reproduce real indoor air conditions in a controlled way at a scale of 1:1. The key parameters of its operations have been optimised…
ATOLL (ATmospheric Observations in liLLe)
ATOLL (ATmospheric Observations in liLLe)
Located in the heart of the University of Lille campus in Villeneuve d’Ascq, on the roof of the Physics Department, the ATOLL multi-laboratory platform is instrumented to measure a set of atmospheric variables of interest for climate, air quality and…
DouAir (mobile photochemical reactor)
DouAir (mobile photochemical reactor)
DouAir is a mobile photochemical reactor that can be used (1) in the laboratory for homogeneous gas phase kinetic studies or (2) in the field to study the in-situ reactivity of an air mass. The advantage of this approach in…
CiGas European Centre of Expertise
CiGas European Centre of Expertise
ACTRIS ( is a European research infrastructure producing high-quality data and services on short-lived atmospheric constituents and on the processes leading to the variability of these constituents in natural and controlled atmospheres. ACTRIS integrates, harmonises and distributes data sets, activities…
ALHEX (Analysis of Heat eXchanger performances)
ALHEX (Analysis of Heat eXchanger performances)
The experimental and digital ALHEX platform is dedicated to characterising exchanges and improving the performance of thermofluidic components. This platform has both a digital and experimental component. The experimental part corresponds to a set of facilities and test benches designed…
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