IMT Nord Europe hosts its 5th Young Northern Polymerists’ Day



Jun 2024

IMT Nord Europe hosts its 5th Young Northern Polymerists’ Day

Symposium - 5th Young Northern Polymerists’ Day

IMT Nord Europe will host the 5th edition of the Young Northern Polymerists’ Day, organised by the French Group for Polymer Studies and Applications (GFP), on 25 June 2024 on the Douai–Lahure campus.

The scientific purpose of this event is to promote exchanges between polymerists based in the region. This symposium will promote communication (oral and poster presentations) between young researchers from higher education and research institutions in the Hauts-de-France region. The event will provide the opportunity to gain an overview of the research themes being developed within the regional academic laboratories. Experienced scientific specialists from laboratories throughout the region will attend the event and provide their insights during lively debates and discussions.

Two guest speakers will contribute to this event by presenting their research:

Dr Vincent Lapinte (ICGM):
Smart polymers based on a natural aromatic molecule: coumarin.

Dr Olivier Lhost (Total Energies):
Total Energies’ circular-economy-related activities.

25 June 2024

at IMT Nord Europe
764, Boulevard Lahure, 59500 DOUAI

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