Atmospheric Observations, Sources and Processes

Energy Environment

“Atmospheric Observations, Sources and Processes” (AOSP) theme

The research of the Atmospheric Observations, Sources and Physicochemical Processes (AOSP) thematic focus is concentrated on determinants of spatial and temporal variation of pollutants at trace levels in the atmosphere, as well as basic gas and particulate pollutant transformation processes.

Its objectives are to provide decision-making support for urban and rural environments in response to climate and societal transition, by particularly targeting improvement of air quality and reduction of uncertainty regarding the role of aerosols in the climate.

Approaches are based on DEMO (Dispositifs d’appui aux Expertises, à la Métrologie et aux Observations, expert assessment, metrology and observations support devices), advanced data analysis methods, instrumental and methodological innovation, deployment of cutting-edge instruments for laboratory experiments or in-situ, fixed or mobile observations, enabling studies on a wide range of spatial (from local to intercontinental) and temporal (from second to multi-year) scales.

The scientific questions that guide the research activities of the AOSP thematic focus are as follows:


Gas phase reactivity: The laboratory research concerns significant precursors of secondary pollutants such as ozone and atmospheric particles, particularly terpene compounds. Studies focus on their oxidation and resulting products, such as oxygenated terpenes. Special attention is paid to compounds stemming from biomass fires, such as furans, and their potential role in the formation of secondary pollutants. The chemistry of peroxyl radicals, which participate in reactions leading to the formation of highly oxidized molecules, precursors of atmospheric particles, and the chemistry of the formation of ozone, is also studied.

Heterogeneous reactivity: Studies explore aging of mineral dusts and new sources of pollution, such as microplastics and asphalts. Using advanced scientific tools, we analyze how these particles interact with the atmosphere, and modify their optical and chemical properties. Studying the reactivity of microplastics faced with atmospheric oxidants enables a better understanding of their transformation over time.


Studies of sources of pollution: Research focuses on sources of pollutants on receptor sites in different environments, or via specific studies targeting little studied emissions, such as boat emissions or particles from braking. Measurement campaigns are conducted in different climates (Mediterranean, oceanic, tropical) and in wide-ranging environments (urban, rural, coast, industrial) to better understand sources of atmospheric pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOC), ozone and aerosols.

Development of sensors for air quality: New pollution sensors, capable of detecting substances such as hydrogen sulfide or ammonia, are currently being developed. These sensors, installed on drones, cars or other mobile platforms, aim to measure pollution in real time and better understand its spatial distribution. This means pollutants can be taken into account on a smaller spatial scale and more precise information on air quality provided.

Impacts on health and the climate: Research on sanitary effects focuses on the impact of fine particles, whether natural or of human origin. Experimental devices are developed to study the toxic effects of aerosols on human health, particularly metallic particles and biogenic aerosols, in collaboration with regional laboratories.


Study of variation of atmospheric pollutants: Research focuses on spatial and temporal variation of gases and particles in the atmosphere, in relation with climate change and societal transformations. This includes the use of multiple in-situ observations and advanced models to better understand variation of emissions and their impact.

Analysis of pollution trends: Multi-year studies are carried out to analyze trends for pollutants such as ozone, VOCs, nitrogen dioxide, ammonia and fine particles. Machine learning approaches are used to better understand how meteorology influences concentrations of these pollutants. Results are compared to emissions data at different levels (urban, regional, national) to better evaluate sources of pollution and their variation.

Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence tools are developed and tested to analyze and validate data in real time. These tools enable for example fast processing of multi-site observations in industrial areas or analysis of sensor data. These innovative technologies help to automate data validation processes, better understand pollution levels, and predict their variation.


Labex CaPPA

Labex CaPPA

Labex CaPPA

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