The research activities of the Indoor Air Quality Thematic Group
Indoor air generally has higher pollution levels than outdoor air due to the presence of diverse sources. While building materials are the major sources of indoor air pollutants, their emissions vary depending on aeration, use and ageing conditions. The behaviour of these source materials can be assessed based on information about the impacts of flow velocity and air renewal rate on VOC emission factors [Thesis by Florent Caron, 2018-2021]. Bio-based materials containing significant organic content, which are rapidly developing, have been studied with regard to their VOC emissions under different environmental conditions with the aim of ascertaining: (i) their potential for fungal development [Anna Maria Tobon-Monroy (2017-2020)], and (ii) their olfactory contribution. The impacts of ageing conditions on all of these aspects was also studied [Thesis by Nouha Zine-Filali (2021-2024)].

Research Area 1: Recent Deliverables
F. CARON, R. GUICHARD, L. ROBERT, M. VERRIELE, F. THEVENET, Assessment of an experimental method for determining the three key parameters of VOC emissions from solid materials, IOP Conference Series : Materials Science and Engineering, Vol 609, No. 3, 2019. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/609/3/032034
F. CARON, R. GUICHARD, L. ROBERT, M. VERRIELE, F. THEVENET, Behaviour of individual VOCs in indoor environments: How ventilation affects emission from materials, Atmospheric Environment, Vol 243, 15/12/2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117713
A. M. TOBON MONROY, Y. ANDRES, N. LOCOGE, Impacts of test methods on the assessment of insulation materials’ resistance against moulds, Building and Environment, Vol Available online, No. 106963, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.106963
Occupants have a major effect on IAQ because their practices, activities and choice of consumer products affect the air they breathe. The study of emissions associated with the use of household products containing essential oils has shown the importance of conducting emission tests on a 1:1 scale to ensure the representativeness of emission data [Thesis by Shadia Angulo-Milhem (2018-2021)]. This work identified the fate of terpenes in indoor air and improved our understanding of the homogeneous and heterogeneous physiochemistry of terpene species in indoor air. It also made it possible to issue recommendations for public authorities and consumers on the use of essential oil products in indoor air.
Research Area 2 Deliverables
S. ANGULO, M. VERRIELE, M. NICOLAS, F. THEVENET, Does the ubiquitous use of essential oil-based products Promote indoor air quality? A critical literature review, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 11 March 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-08150-3
S. ANGULO, M. VERRIELE, M. NICOLAS, F. THEVENET, Impact of essential-oil-based cleaning products on indoor air quality: From liquid composition to test emission chamber, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 609, No. 4, 2019. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/609/4/042095
S. ANGULO, M. VERRIELE, M. NICOLAS, F. THEVENET, Indoor use of essential oils: Emission rates, exposure time and impact on air quality, Atmospheric Environment, vol. 244, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117863
S. ANGULO, M. VERRIELE, M. NICOLAS, F. THEVENET, Indoor use of essential oil-based cleaning products: Emission rate and indoor air quality impact assessment based on a realistic application methodology, Atmospheric Environment, vol. 246, February 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.118060
Huiles essentielles et qualité de l’air intérieur | ESSENTIEL : Emissions et transformations de composés organiques volatiles terpéniques issus de produits ménagers,
F. THEVENET, M. VERRIELE, M. NICOLAS, S. ANGULO, P. HARB, F. CARON, Huiles essentielles et qualité de l’air intérieur, ESSENTIEL : Emissions et transformations de composés organiques volatiles terpéniques issus de produits ménagers, Report. 116 pages
F. THEVENET, M. VERRIELE, M. NICOLAS, S. ANGULO, P. HARB, F. CARON, Huiles essentielles et qualité de l’air intérieur, ESSENTIEL : Emissions et transformations de composés organiques volatiles terpéniques issus de produits ménagers, Summary. 20 pages
Research area 3 – IAQ vs. INDIVIDUAL EXPOSURE
France’s fourth national environmental health plan (PNSE) prioritises the study of individual exposure. The development of innovative methodologies makes it possible to raise awareness and support individuals in perceiving their own exposure, and in making connections with their behaviour. The work conducted by the IAQ group has therefore led to the creation of a multi-sensor station for use in mobility, adapted to the multi-compartment and multi-parameter characterisation of the air, which, by combining sociological surveys and analysing data from field campaigns, assesses the capacity of sensor systems to bring about a change in the behaviour of individuals [thesis by David Umba Kalala (2020-2023)]. Several projects rely on data science to determine the optimal combination of sensors and parameters constituting a measurement system, and to produce a relevant exposure indicator [thesis by Luiz Miranda (2021-2024)].
Research Area 3 Deliverables
ADEME QALIPSO project website:

Finally, the IAQ group’s work on remedial solutions is based on the team’s ability to identify the processes involved in treatment solutions from the micro-scale (pollutant-material interactions) to the 1:1 scale (IRINA experimental room). The optimisation and multi-scale assessment of the performance of building materials for the removal of VOCs in buildings led to the identification of high-performance, zero-energy solutions based on building materials which were modified to improve IAQ [thesis by Raphaël Brun (2019-2022)]. The work conducted as part of industrial partnerships also contributed to the assessment and development of air treatment solutions for the aeronautics industry.
Research Area 4 Deliverables
Treatment of indoor air by photocatalysis. ETAPE Project | Safety Assessment of Photocatalytic Air Treatment Systems:
F. THEVENET, M. VERRIELE, P. HARB, S. THLAIJEH, R. BRUN, M. NICOLAS, S. ANGULO, The indoor fate of terpenes: Quantification of the limonene uptake by materials, Building and Environment, vol. 188, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.107433