Find out more about our major Research and Innovation projects

Research Infrastructures Services Reinforcing Air Quality Monitoring Capacities in European Urban & Industrial AreaS (RI-URBANS) Cities and industrial areas are air pollution hotspots. Assessing the sources and health effects of air pollution is a first step towards reducing it. The…

The BBOBB project – Building Based on Biobased This project aims to develop a new business model by enabling a change of scale by using of bio-based materials in construction and roads.A number of pioneers in the field of construction…

Beyond 5G
Beyond 5G
The Beyond 5G project primarily aims to provide technical solutions for developing sovereign and secure 5G/post-5G networks. It customises these solutions to the needs of end-user sectors through extensive R&D via an interface between R&D and user needs (experimentation platforms).…

Hippy project
Hippy project
The Hippy project is a collaborative project which is part of a CIFRE thesis aimed at adding more advanced methods of data analysis and artificial intelligence to improve the performance of a belt designed to detect falls in advance and…

AIRCLEAN project (development of cabin air quality equipment for all aircraft segments) The French AIRCLEAN project was selected as part of the Single Inter-Ministerial Fund’s 22nd call for projects (FUI-22) with the goal of treating aircraft cabin air to ensure…

The FLUIDINE project (FLUIDs with INnovative formulation and high Energy efficiency performance for thermo-fluidic components) studies new non-colloidal suspensions with the aim of enhancing the performance of heat exchangers. This project is unique in its use of non-colloidal suspensions in…

The SEABIOCOMP project aims to develop new 100% bio-based composite materials in order to reduce carbon footprints, particularly for industrial applications in marine environments. For this project we have developed bio-based polymer non-woven preforms (e.g., PLA) and flax fibres, ready…

CIRMAP project
CIRMAP project
The CIRMAP project (CIrcular economy via customisable furniture with Recycled MAterials for public Places) is an Interreg North West Europe project with a budget of €7 million running from 2020 to 2023. The objective of this project is to print…

The UNREAL Project: Unveiling Nucleation mechanism in aiRcraft Engine exhAust and its Link with fuel composition (UNREAL) The UNREAL project aims to conduct molecular level studies on the various new particle formation mechanisms in engine exhaust from aircraft using different…

Labex CaPPA
Labex CaPPA
Laboratory of Excellence on “Chemical and Physical Properties of Aerosols” (Labex CaPPA) The CaPPA laboratory of excellence won the second wave of the “Laboratories of Excellence” call for projects (2012) of the French Investments for the Future Program (PIA). It…

The IFrOG project Intensification of mixing in complex fluids using Fractal Oscillating Grid turbulence (IFrOG) Objectives The objective of I-FrOG(2023-2027) is to propose an innovative concept of oscillating fractal grid turbulence capable of intensifying mixing and transfers in biological fluids…

The BREAQ project Characterisation and mitigation of particle emissions from rail traffic braking systems (BREAQ) Rail transport is considered to be a sustainable mobility solution. Yet several studies show that pollutant concentrations in underground rail enclosures should be a cause…
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