Light Vehicle for Data Acquisition (VLAD)

Digital Systems

The Light Vehicle for Data Acquisition (VLAD) platform was designed and created during the ORIO project.

It is equipped with four steerable high-resolution cameras, two 3D LIDARs capable of capturing point clouds at a rate of 20 Hz, a plane LIDAR with an effective range of 80 m and two ultra-wideband radar systems. An embedded cluster of 48 cores processes the acquired data and is now supported by an NVIDIA AGX Xavier system (deep learning). VLAD is part of a larger system, including a BIM scanner and V.R (HTC Vive) and V.A (Hololens) equipment. The data acquired by VLAD aims to build “data-driven” models of road infrastructure that can go as far as becoming true “digital twins” powered by virtual reality technology.

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