Research partnerships
Let’s join forces to advance research and innovation!

IMT Nord Europe maintains and develops partnerships with companies and institutions.
IMT Nord Europe is part of a network of partners from the socioeconomic world which structure research, help to guide it and facilitate its transfer. The collaborative research projects initiated frequently develop into long-term framework agreements or joint research structures combining public and private means and objectives.
In keeping with its mission, IMT Nord Europe is a stakeholder in the two academic Carnot institutes:
TSN (Telecommunications and Digital Society) Carnot Institute and Mines Carnot Institute, which provide the resources needed to develop its industrial contracts policy and support its of industrial contracting and resourcing its basic research.
Partnership arrangements
A variety of tools and arrangements are implemented in the collaboration between IMT Nord Europe and its industrial partners, each in keeping with the specific needs defined by the scientific field in question, the industrial partner’s industrial partner, the characteristics of the market, or other considerations.
d hoc collaboration can be proposed based on whether the intent is to transfer protected technology which has already been developed by the laboratory, address a scientific challenge, or simply solve a problem or control and protect the associated property.
The terms of collaboration are varied and customised to meet each of our partner’s specific needs:
These contract arrangements are often implemented. In this case, PhD students become employees of the company receiving financial support from ANRT. Framework contracts legal bind the industrial partner and IMT Nord Europe. Its minimum terms define the involvement of the school’s researchers in the supervision of the thesis and any other additional activities they might perform. It also clarifies how the ownership of results is to be determined, in keeping with the share of full costs funded by the industrial partner.
This is based on the principle of the school using its resources (permanent or recruited staff, various facilities and operations) to complete a research programme requested by an industrial partner. The programme is established during preparatory dialogue phases for the contract. The resources allocated, objectives, nature of deliverables, ownership of results and financial aspects are all agreed to before the start of the work.
Joint laboratories are created to address issues in the medium and long term (4 to 5 years or more).
The parties can fund our laboratories independently or receive support from public funders, in particular from the ANR LabCom call.
IMT Nord Europe is involved numerous collaborative projects with industrial and academic partners.
IMT Nord Europe actively seeks out these initiatives in which it regularly takes the lead with the help of its specialised support services which offer expertise and assist researchers and partners as they prepare their responses to the funders’ calls for projects.
A sharing of the ownership of the results produced is agreed upon with a concern for satisfying the interests of all and in accordance with the composition and strategy of the consortia involved in the projects and the efforts of the parties.
A chair is a meeting place for the world of research and the professional world.
It is a programme funded by one or more companies aimed at developing research in areas previously defined in an agreement between the researchers and partner companies involved.
The goal is to advance academic and applied research in an area which raises concerns for the partner companies.
We have a wide range of technological platforms and we respond to the needs of our industrial partners by conducting studies, measurements and tests, expertise & consulting, and technology watch operations.
We share scientific developments with all our partners and showcase their work by organising theme days, often in conjunction with other partners involved in the theme who are part of current projects. Do you want to organise a theme day? Contact us.
Be sure to take advantage of our services to help plan for the various cooperation options you are considering by determining which conditions are best suited to your issues and the nature of the challenges to be met.
Managing your intellectual property and full ownership of project results is possible in exchange for funding the full costs but interesting financial compromises can also be reached when sharing intellectual property is possible.
The Research Tax Credit or Collaborative Research Tax Credit can both help reduce the burden on industrial partners.
Would you like to discuss a research project, a partnership or request for expertise?