Energy Environment
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CONTACT USEnergy Environment
Characterisation and mitigation of particle emissions from rail traffic braking systems (BREAQ)
Rail transport is considered to be a sustainable mobility solution. Yet several studies show that pollutant concentrations in underground rail enclosures should be a cause for concern. Mitigating emission sources, such as braking systems, is therefore a key challenge.
The overall objective of the project is to increase the sustainability of public transport solutions by ensuring healthier air in underground networks, stations and outdoor urban areas.
The project therefore proposes to do the following:
CERI EE of IMT Nord Europe is responsible for characterising particulate and gaseous emissions from rail braking systems for this project. These emissions will be measured at different scales by using reduced-scale and 1:1 scale braking test benches, with the aim of taking real-world measurements by the end of the project.
List of partners and coordinators:
Project funded by the government as part of the Investments for the Future Program (PIA), which has now been integrated into France 2030, and run by ADEME
The project will bring together four French partners: ALSTOM (project coordinator), together with 3 academic partners: CERI EE of IMT Nord Europe, LaMcube of the University of Lille/Centrale Lille/CNRS, LAMIH of Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France/CNRS.
Our teams at the IMT Nord Europe research centres are here to help