Measuring ammonia with an automatic analyser as part of the OBS4CLIM and ACTRIS CiGas project

Measuring ammonia with an automatic analyser as part of the OBS4CLIM and ACTRIS CiGas project

Inter-laboratory comparison for the measurement of ammonia with an automatic analyser as part of the OBS4CLIM and ACTRIS CiGas project

From 3 to 10 June 2024, the European Topical Centre for Reactive Trace Gases In Situ Measurements  – CiGas – of the European ACTRIS research facility at the IMT Nord Europe Energy Environment Research Centre organised an inter-laboratory comparison exercise on the measurement of ammonia (NH3) by automatic analyser as an exploratory variable of ACTRIS in the context of the OBS4CLIM project.

The OBS4CLIM – Integrated Atmospheric Observing System – project is led by 18 partners and coordinated by the CNRS with the aim of developing the innovation of three French components of European research infrastructures in atmospheric science: ACTRIS, IAGOS, and ICOS. OBS4CLIM is the EquipEx project for the entire national atmosphere community. It will allow the three French mirror RIs (ACTRIS-FRANCE, IAGOS-FRANCE, ICOS-FRANCE) to meet the new Earth observation challenges and to provide their users with qualified and relevant datasets and innovative services.

In this context, the goal of this inter-laboratory comparison exercise is to verify the performance and comparability of measurements under specific conditions (concentrations, humidity, interfering substances) and contribute to the overall process of improving the quality of NH3 measurements that are expected to become mandatory with the revision of the European directives for air quality monitoring.

This exercise brought together 13 instruments belonging to nine participants, two of which were European, in addition to IMT Nord Europe, from observational platforms (National Facilities) from ACTRIS and ICOS, university research laboratories, an accredited air quality monitoring association (AASQA) and private companies. The tests were carried out at the CaMEROne technical platform using the specific high-throughput line in synthetic matrix (dry and wet) at different concentration levels as well as in ambient air matrix enriched by doping.

The data will be analysed to determine the advantages and disadvantages of the various techniques. This exercise contributes to the guide for NH3 measurement by automatic analyser and provides best measurement practices for France and Europe.

Images: CaMEROne technical platform (IMT Nord Europe).

Involvement of IMT Nord Europe in ACTRIS

Since 2013, IMT Nord Europe has been involved in various European projects that led to the creation of the ACTRIS research facility, including as part of the European Topical Centre for Reactive Trace Gases In Situ Measurements (CiGas) along with five other European partners. The key mission of CiGas is to provide scientific and operational support to ACTRIS National Facilities (NFs), operational (GAW, EMEP networks) and exploratory platforms, which conduct continuous long-term measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx).
Moreover, IMT Nord Europe – CiGas staff are also involved in the life and governance of the infrastructure, including (1) management of ACTRIS-France, (2) assistant management of the calibration centre for reactive trace gas (CiGas), and (3) joint coordination of the national working group on the same topic.

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"Measuring ammonia with an automatic analyser as part of the OBS4CLIM and ACTRIS CiGas project" ?

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