Energy Environment

Proton Transfer Reaction Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (PTR-ToFMS)

The PTR-ToFMS technique is used to measure trace gaseous species in the atmosphere, including volatile organic compounds. Ambient air is continuously sampled in a low pressure reactor (a few millibars) which ionises the analytes in the sample via proton transfer and detects them using high resolution mass spectrometry. This analysis technique enables (1) direct measurement of targeted compounds with a temporal resolution ranging from a hundred milliseconds to a few seconds, and (2) offers unparalleled performance with pptv detection limits.

CERI EE has two PTR-ToFMS models marketed by KORE Technology Inc. and IONICON (see figure). These tools are coupled with laboratory devices developed for “homogeneous and heterogeneous reactivity” in order to study the transformation processes of ambient air pollutants and are used in the field during observation campaigns to study the themes of “sources and impacts of trace species in the air” and “homogeneous and heterogeneous reactivity”.

PTR-ToFMS KORE Technology Inc. (left) and PTR-qiToFMS IONICON (right)


Labex CaPPA

Labex CaPPA

Labex CaPPA

Laboratory of Excellence on “Chemical and Physical Properties of Aerosols” (Labex CaPPA) The CaPPA laboratory of excellence won the second wave of the “Laboratories of Excellence” call for projects (2012) of the French Investments for the Future Program (PIA). It…

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