IMT Nord Europe will be at the SIM 2023 trade show!



Oct 2023



Oct 2023

IMT Nord Europe will be at the SIM 2023 trade show!

The SIM Trade Show (Exhibition of the French Mineral Industry Society) is the leading trade show for the extractive industries sector in France! It showcases the equipment and expertise of the product and service suppliers in the sector.

IMT Nord Europe will attend, represented by its Materials and Processes Research Centre.



We hope to see you on 4, 5 and 6 October in Bordeaux for a chance to talk with our experts in the field. Come join us!

We will be at stand K33 to present the ADDEmICS (Atmospheric Diffuse Dust Emissions on Industrial and ConstructionSites) sponsorship chair.

Several chair partners will be in attendance:

  • Fondation IMT
  • Université Gustave Eiffel
  • Estaca
  • UFES (Brazilian University)
  • Coria

> Learn more about ADDEmICS Chair here

> More information about the trade show:



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"IMT Nord Europe will be at the SIM 2023 trade show!" ?

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